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Book Notes: Tools of Titans

Notes from my recent reading of Tools of Titans, by Tim Ferriss. . .

Lessons & Tools

  • Rehearsing worst case scenario (5)
  • Sauna for endurance (4,7)
  • Ketosis + fasting (24, 26 – Tim’s recipe)
  • 4 health bullets to dodge (67):
    1. heart disease
    2. cerebrovascular disease
    3. cancer
    4. neurological degeneration
  • Weight training = best bang for your buck (70)
  • Insulin = aging (77)
  • “Calm is contagious” (91)
  • “Go first” (94)
  • Just note gone, e.g. absence of pain (156)
  • “Impatience with frustration is the primary reason why people fail to achieve their goals” (161)
  • 21-day no complaint challenge (172)
  • Take 45 minutes instead of 43 , aka no red-face (190)
  • State -> story -> strategy, priming (212)
  • “I gotta cheer for me, before anyone else can” – Kanye (222)
  • “Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious” (231)
  • 10yr plan? Why not 6 months? (233)
  • “Idea muscle” – write down 10 ideas each morning (247)
    • If you can’t get 10, do 20 (go dumber)
  • Set 2 goals: 1 serious, 1 silly (273)
  • Ask more: “I don’t understand. Could you please explain it to me?” (333)
  • “Inspiration is for amateurs” (357)
  • Death countdown clock (471)
  • Codependence = when you look to other people to decide how you feel (479)
  • Create slack (584)
  • Morning pages (615)
  • Running journal for memories (634)
  • Action -> inspiration (636)

Follow Up

  • How to retain what you read better
  • Von Restorff effect
    • In a group of homogenous inputs, the input that differs from the rest is most likely to be remembered
  • Better basketball (58)
  • Brian Dorfman shoulder therapy (62)
  • Supplements (68)
    • Magnesium, aging, insulin (77)
  • Article: “Should we all take a bit of lithium” article (63)
  • Book: “Mistakes were made” – cognitive dissonance (70)
  • Book: “10% Happier” (70)
  • Gotu Kola for skin and stretch marks (76)
  • Self blood/insulin tests (76)
  • See Dr. re: energy + supplements
  • Book: “59 Seconds: change your life in under a minute” (79)
  • Book: “Psych” – 100% on, 100% off
  • (135)
  • 4 categories of gratitude (147)
    1. old relationship
    2. opportunity
    3. something amazing from yesterday
    4. something close + simple
  • Transcendental meditation (150)
  • 10 seconds wish for two people around you to be happy (157)
  • Podcast: Derek Sivers episode (184)
  • Book: “Stumbling on Happiness” (192)
  • Article: “The CEO of Automattic on holding auditions” (206)
  • Music: Franz Liszt (209)
  • Book: “Unlimited Power” (210)
    • Tried it, didn’t resonate for me at the time
  • Mac nut (213)
  • Book: “The War of Art” (243)
  • Book: “Open” by Andre Agassi (272)
  • Podcast: “Hardcore History” (285)
  • Book: “Checklist Manifesto” (291)
  • Music: Daft Punk: Homework, Kraftwerk (330)
  • Book: “The Ego is The Enemy” + “The Obstacle is The Way” (334)
  • App: Way of Life (342)
  • Book: “Life is Elsewhere” by Milan Kundera (348)
  • Book: “The Proud Highway” by Hunter S. Thompson (356)
  • Book: “Unbearable Lightness of Being”
  • Book: stuff by John Muir
  • Book: “Start with Why” (373)
  • Book: “Daily Rituals” (381)
  • Article: “Maker’s schedule, manager’s schedule” (387)
  • Article: “Brain Pickings” (406)
  • Book: “Diaries of Henry David Thoreau” (408, 410)
  • Book: “Doing Good Better” (447)
  • “Giving what we can” (447)
  • Book: “Lying” by Sam Harris (479)
  • Book: ” The Power of Myth” + “The Hero with 1,000 Faces” (484)
  • Book: “One Hundred Years of Solitude” (498)
  • Book: “Think Twice” (599)

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